Plant Nursery Wireless Printing, Logistics Applications

The village of Forrest Hill has less than 500 citizens, yet is home to more than 60 commercial nurseries, most of which are large, wholesale/retail operations representing the culmination of multi-generation family endeavors. The typical Forrest Hill nursery encompasses business functions ranging from production to warehousing to direct wholesale and retail sales to multi-state wholesale…

Wireless Printing in Retail Applications

In a recent blog post inspired by Zebra Technologies’ white paper, Wireless Printing Delivers Efficiency and Cost Savings in Retail, I recalled the bad-old days when the mobility of every electrical appliance was limited by the length of its heavy power cord. As for wireless communications, those were all one-way exchanges consisting of transmissions rated…

Wireless Printing, Cutting the Cord

Which makes more sense you, bringing the work to the printer or bringing the printer to the work? There have been a number of sea-change technological breakthroughs within the lifetimes of those of us who’ve been around since the 50s and earlier, and more than a few of them have to do with cutting the…

Warehouse or Greenhouse? Go Green with Paperless Operations.

The main objective of ‘going green’ is that it’s good for the environment, but when it comes down to it; businesses generally have their focus on creating greater efficiencies throughout the organization. Paperless environments are important to all facets of the business, but one area that would benefit greatly is the warehouse. Consider the following…

Managing Event Security with Zebra’s Conference Badge Solutions; Organizing a 6000-Year-Old Sport

Among the daily pleasures of my job is constant exposure to the delightfully unexpected. As a case in point, I did not awaken today with the expectation of learning the finer points of event organization and security from the sport of dragon-boat racing. And yet, yep, dragon-boat racing. The Chinese fascination with dragons predates recorded…

Material and Printing Options for Barcoded Patient Wristbands

You’ve decided to deploy barcoded patient wristbands, but what wristband materials and what printing options should you select? Zebra Technologies’ recent white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode Wristbands, provides valuable insight into the competing considerations that will drive those decisions. Wristband Materials First and foremost, the wristband you deploy…

Non-Medical Applications with Barcoded Patient Wristbands

In this my fourth comment on Zebra Technologies’ white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode Wristbands, I’d like to touch on the potential non-medical applications of barcoded patient wristbands, specifically those related to administrative and accounting record keeping, as well as those that facilitate the mundane functions such as inventory…

Barcoded Patient Wristbands and Medication Administration

Recent legislation and regulatory provisions designed to escalate U.S. implementation of electronic health record (EHR) systems have elevated the status of barcoded patient wristbands to that of essential technology. This is just one of the revelations I gleaned from the recent Zebra Technologies white paper, It’s All in the Wrist: Improving Patient Safety with Barcode…