Better Data In, Better Data Out – Improve Productivity with WMS

Honeywell-Dolphin-9950-9951-ApplicationThere is a lot of talk about improving workforce productivity with data automation, and it’s not too difficult to identify the areas that lead to increased profitability — like increased customer satisfaction and ability to handle more orders in the same amount of time.  But what are some of the other “behind the scenes” productivity improvements that you’ll see in a warehouse when you decide to automate your operations?

Better data going in, better data going out. With automated data collection, the need to use paper and pencil are eliminated.  Data is entered into the system once, typically by scanning a bar code at the point of work rather than transporting the information from one workstation to another.  The increase in productivity is evident when workers no longer have to wait for the sales team to send the orders out to the floor and then out to the warehouse.  Missing work orders and constantly filing paperwork are also eliminated – freeing up time for additional order processing! These small improvements may result in significant cost savings.

Find your inventory in their inventory locations.  The time spent searching for items that are not where they are supposed to be can be reduced with the use of bar code labeling and wireless devices that can manage the order fulfillment process by providing accurate bin location information to pickers.  Accuracy is ensured by scanning and validating locations and quantities.  Warehouse solutions have the ability to sequence item picking to reduce the amount of time spent moving through the warehouse.  With an effective WMS, you’ll have the ability to monitor warehouse activity and check the status of orders.  Data collection devices and software will record and store important information that will allow real-time visibility of productivity and trends.  This visibility can help to improve forecasting, resource requirements and other issues without having to spend inordinate amounts of time doing research to gather the data.

Improved customer service.  The time it takes to fill orders can decrease significantly with data collection automation.  The ability to pick, pack and ship orders using software and a scanning device to enter, view and send information will significantly improve productivity.  With respect to order accuracy, reducing errors in order fulfillment and shipping not only lowers the cost associated with order errors, but keeps customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and repeat business high. An order accuracy rate of 99.9% is achievable!  A WMS solution gives your employees access to order information; keeping customers updated with real‐time order details. Responding quickly to order inquiries and tracking information is a valuable part of meeting customer expectations.

Your success is our passion!  L-Tron can help you choose the right solution for your warehouse.  Contact us for a free consultation.