The Barcode Scanner: Out With the Old, “On” With the New

Here I am, standing in the middle of my closet for the 3,245,738th time wondering…WHAT am I going to wear?? Questions flash through my head. “When did I wear that last?”  “Has so-and-so seen me in that outfit before?” “Do I have pants to match this top?” “What about shoes?” I’m sure we’ve all been…

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Implementing a Barcode Solution

Bridging the Gap Barcodes are not only for grocery stores and libraries anymore. From tracking textbooks in schools to trees in the rainforests, it seems like people are getting more and more creative with how they track information every day. But turning this creativity into a tangible solution requires knowledge and planning. Therefore, this blog…

What Makes the 4910LR Driver’s License Scanner so Special?

With over 10 years of experience in providing 2D barcode scanners for use in patrol vehicles, the 4910LR is our 3rd-generation driver’s license scanner, and each model has improved on the last. So what exactly makes the 4910LR stand out from the competition? Form Factor The durable, compact driver’s license reader is designed for patrol…

5 Reasons Why a Package Tracking Solution Might Be Right For You

Whether you’re tracking packages for your campus or delivering dry cleaning clothes for customers, the challenges faced can be quite similar. In these types of settings, not being able to tell customers where items are – or flat out losing them – can be detrimental to your success. Here are five reasons why a Package…

The Cure: A Patient Portal to the World

I visit a bed-ridden family member in an extended-care facility regularly. For furniture, the patient’s room is equipped with a traditional adjustable hospital bed, a narrow over-bed table, a small bed-side table, and several chairs for visitors. A desktop, corded telephone is on the bed-side table, together with assorted toiletries and other sundries. The over-bed…